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Introducing alternative, commercial entertainment #AnotherWay.
All TSGO events showcase the best local artists and foster a thoughtful dialog around sustainability in the Arts.
Introducing alternative, commercial entertainment #AnotherWay.
All TSGO events showcase the best local artists and foster a thoughtful dialog around sustainability in the Arts.
Another Way Workshops
Serving those who are seeking balance between the left and right brain,
from the artistically inclined and indie artists to business savvy solopreneurs.
All workshops are led by Emileena, the Artist Whisperer.
Contact Us to customize a workshop tailored to your unique audience.

How to Build a unique Vision

When you're out of balance, it's hard to drop into the flow of life. Emotional blocks, disillusionment, and overwhelm - why is clarity so elusive!? Rest assured, there is #AnotherWay. It's found at the intersection of where the daily grind meets your Vision. Crafting a poignant Vision will build sustainability in your life. A strong Vision is a world where there is no compromise for your artistic passions, no exploitative practices smothering your voice, and best of all - there is love, light, and lots of magic!
Workshop participants will be led through a journey of writing their own authentic Vision
and will leave with at least one draft that will light their path moving forward.

Sustainable Artist Development
Artist Development

Learn how to be a sustainable artist through the lens of Joseph Campbell's famous story of development: The Hero's Journey. This class will outline the basic stages of development as it pertains to artists and provide tips and tricks for navigating Arts Industries ripe with exploitation. The same principles apply to all artists and creatives, whether pursuing their art professionally or not.
Workshop participants will be given opportunities to share their own examples and brainstorm strategies that directly relate to their own lives.

The Business of Sustainable Creativity
Sustainable Biz

Learn how to build a solid foundation for a life of creative freedom. This workshop will arm the artistically inclined individual with tools to navigate the exploitation that currently runs rampant across all Arts industries. For creative entrepreneurs interested in launching their own brand or simply learning how to develop creative expression sustainably.
Workshop participants will explore how the artist mentality can both serve and hurt artists in the long run and leave with a simple 5-Step business plan to launch a creative endeavor.

Branding for Artists

Learn the key elements of branding creative endeavors while preserving artistic integrity. This class is for anyone who is interested in building a business around their own thoughts, ideas, creations, and/or art. We will look at several case studies and identify the difference between authentic branding and commercial manipulation. There will also be special attention on how to sustain the creative integrity of your work without "selling out."
Workshop participants will brainstorm and create a brand for themselves.

Psychedelic & Spiritual Integration
Selfie Pitch

Developing a Selfie Pitch

Innovation Strategy to sustain Creative Careers

Every career starts with a solid foundation. Finding longevity for any artist is no different. Pursuing work in the Arts is truly a Hero's Journey and it starts with understanding the nuances of the artist mentality. In this workshop, we will explore the pitfalls in Arts Industries and outline alternative paths to achieving a personalized definition of success.
Workshop participants will leave with an outline to get them started on the path toward sustainable creativity.
Finding Balance

Finding Balance and Clarity
Intro to Dao

Intro to the Tao

It's easy to get lost in the uncertainty, scarcity, and stress of everyday life. But there is another way! The Tao, "way" or "path," is a zone of unlimited possibility, holding space for all thoughts, feelings, and experiences. You are extraordinary in your mundane life. Your normality is also extravagant. This event will include a brief history and explanation of Taoism (Daoism), as well as some simple tricks and tools to help quiet the brain and relax into your own personal Dao.
Workshop participants will be led through exercises, meditations, and group discussions.
Tao of Artist Development

The Tao of Artist Development
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